Although it is not often considered, long-term exposure to radon gas can have serious health effects. It is the #2 cause of lung cancer in the United States after smoking and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that as many as 21,000 people die each year from lung cancer brought on by radon exposure. There… Read more »
Completely undetectable to the eyes and nose, radon is a serious problem if it’s found in your home. This radioactive gas is the second-leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, and because it’s colorless and odorless, it’s nearly impossible to detect without an official radon test. If you have a radon test done… Read more »
One of the biggest risk factors for lung cancer is colorless, odorless and may be in your home. Find out about radon and what you can do to minimize your risk. Click here!
Test your home. Protect your health.
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Serving all of Orange, Ulster, Sullivan, Rockland, Dutchess, Putnam and Westchester Counties
NRSB (National Radon Safety Board) Certified as:
Radon Measurement Specialist - # 8SS0069
Radon Remediation Specialist - # 8G0018 AARST-NRPP (National Environmental Health Association - National Radon Proficiency Program) Certified as:
Radon Measurement Provider - # 105481
Radon Mitigation Provider - # 105482
NYSDOH (New York State Department of Health)
Certified Radon Tester
Certified Radon Mitigation Contractor
AARST (American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists) Member AARST-NRPP (National Environmental Health Association - National Radon Proficiency Program) Certified as:
SPEAKER BUREAU MEMBER - Certified National Public Speaker
EPA/HUD certified Contractor - Lead Paint RRP - (Renovation, Repair and Painting)
Certification Number: R-I-8889-11-01392
NYS Mold Assessor License - # MA00077
Putnam County Licensed Home Improvement Contractor – License # PC6859